This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between each user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) and Tokyo Marking Systems, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “TOCHO”) for the purpose of stipulating conditions on which TOCHO provides the User with the MarkinBOX and Patmark software, any related programs, operator’s manual, drawings, and electronic files (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Software”).

The User shall only be allowed to use the Software for the purpose of operating MarkinBOX and Patmark on a computer and any other type of device. This Agreement shall apply to the Software that has been provided to the User by TOCHO as well as to the Software that has been downloaded by the User.


(1)The User shall be allowed to install the Software that they have downloaded from TOCHO’s website on a computer or other type of device and use it for the purpose of using the MarkinBOX and Patmark product.

(2)The User must check in advance whether the Software they intend to download and install is compatible with the product that the User has and plans to use with the Software. If they are not compatible with each other, it could cause operational malfunctions.

(3)Unless otherwise specifically stated herein, the User shall be prohibited from sublicensing, selling, distributing, renting, leasing, loaning, or assigning the Software to a third party; uploading the Software to a website, server, etc. where it can be accessed by certain persons or the general public; or copying, translating, or adapting the Software or rewriting it into another programming language.

(4)The User shall be prohibited from correcting, modifying, disassembling, decompiling, or otherwise reverse engineering the Software, etc., in whole or in part, or having a third party perform any of the aforementioned acts.

(5)The User must not modify, remove, or delete any marking included in the Software that indicates that TOCHO has the copyrights to the Software.

(6)Unless otherwise specifically stated herein, TOCHO does not grant or license to the User any rights in regard to TOCHO’s intellectual property rights pertaining to the Software.


The Software is protected by the Copyright Act and other applicable laws and is owned by TOCHO. The User agrees that TOCHO does not assign to the User any of its intellectual property rights or other rights pertaining to the Software under this Agreement or through other means.


The User must abide by the export administration laws, regulations, and rules of any applicable countries and shall refrain from directly or indirectly exporting or re-exporting the Software, in whole or in part, to other countries in violation of such laws, regulations, or rules.


TOCHO does not warrant that the Software is free from any defects. TOCHO also does not provide any other sort of warranty on the Software including its merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


Depending on the environment where the User uses the Software, operational malfunctions or other types of issues could arise. If the User should suffer any damage caused by any such issue, TOCHO shall not be held responsible for compensating the User for the damage suffered. TOCHO waives all responsibility for any damage suffered by the User as a result of the User’s use of the Software or unusability of the Software.


(1)This Agreement shall become effective when the User installs or otherwise starts using the Software and shall continue to remain effective until the User has ceased their use of the Software and any other related items covered hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the User is found to be in breach of any of the provisions hereof, TOCHO shall be entitled to revoke the Software license granted to the User and terminate this Agreement.

(2)The User shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by deleting the Software from all their computers and other devices where the Software has been installed.

(3)Once this Agreement is terminated, the User must delete the Software from all their computers and other devices where the Software has been installed.

(4)TOCHO may discontinue the provision of the Software without cause at any time.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any dispute that may arise concerning this Agreement and any other licensing contract pertaining to the Software shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.